7 surprising Causes and of Adult Acne Tips to prevent them

You’re probably past the problems that caused your adolescent acne by now, right? Your random breakouts, on the other hand, may suggest otherwise.

Acne is frequently caused by puberty. It affects approximately 8 out of every 10 preteens and teens. But hormones aren’t the only cause of those pesky pimples. So, if you thought your first crush left you with breakouts and blemishes, think again.

Cosmetics, your skin-care regimen, and lifestyle choices, as well as factors you’ve never considered, could all be to blame.

Learn about the 7 surprising causes of adult acne and how to get rid of them, whether it’s hairspray or traveling.

What causes adult acne?

Adult acne can occur for a variety of reasons, but it is unlikely to be caused by eating chocolate or greasy foods. Adult acne in men is typically caused by the same factors that cause adolescent acne. However, the causes are more complicated in women. Adult acne is usually caused by one of the following factors:

Fluctuating hormones: Hormonal factors such as oestrogen and progesterone are common in female acne, as are hormonal changes caused by pregnancy and menopause. Acne can be caused or worsened by circumstances such as starting, stopping, or changing a birth control pill or IUD. Acne can appear months after the change. Female adult acne frequently has “flares” or breakouts that can be linked to specific times of the menstrual cycle.

Hormone fluctuations, such as during puberty, around ovulation, or before periods, or hormonal imbalance due to being overweight, or underlying health conditions such as thyroid and PCOS, can cause pimples to appear suddenly.

Stress: Acne and stress have been linked in studies. When we are stressed, the level of acne-causing hormones known as androgens rises, stimulating oil glands and hair follicles, both of which contribute to acne. Skin and hair care products Not all skin care products are the same. Look for words like oil-free, non-comedogenic, or non-acnegenic on the labels. These terms indicate that the products will not clog pores or cause excessive oil production. Check to see if your face wash, moisturiser, and sunscreen contain these phrases.

Medications: Acne is a side effect of some medications that can either cause or worsen the condition. A dermatologist can tell you whether your medications are causing or contributing to breakouts. To name a few, common factors include steroid inhalers, birth control, and testosterone. Take proper Acne treatment for good and healthy skin. 

Washcloths: It goes without saying that pillowcases, sheets, makeup brushes, and blending sponges must be cleaned on a regular basis to avoid the transfer of dirt and bacteria onto the skin. But do you remember to wash your towels and washcloths as well? These clothes, which are typically stored in a bathroom — a breeding ground for bacteria and mold growth — can silently affect your complexion (or body) with the appearance of unwanted zits. Acne mechanica is caused by objects or materials coming into contact with your skin and causing blemishes.

Skin and hair products: Not all skincare products are the same. Look for words like oil-free, non-comedogenic, or non-acnegenic on the labels. These terms indicate that the products will not clog pores or cause excessive oil production. Check to see if your face wash, moisturizer, and sunscreen contain these phrases.

Rubbing: The best ways to avoid friction acne are to a) shower as soon as possible after exercise and b) wear cotton rather than Lycra clothing whenever possible. To keep bacteria at bay, keep your hands away from your face and clean your phone, pillowcases, and towels on a regular basis.

An underlying medical condition: Acne may be caused by an undiagnosed medical condition in a small percentage of patients. Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a condition that frequently underpins chronic or difficult-to-control acne in women. To better identify underlying causes, a dermatologist will take a thorough history and perform an exam, which may include a blood test.

How to Prevent Acne

It is critical to remove excess oil, dirt, and sweat from the skin on a daily basis to help prevent pimples. Excessive washing of the face, on the other hand, may aggravate acne. Knowing your skin type is generally beneficial because it allows you to know which products to use and which to avoid.

Moisturizers keep your skin hydrated. Even if you have acne, you should use moisturizer because if your skin becomes too dry, it will produce oil (sebum) to compensate — and an excess of sebum causes pimples. A Dermatologist can make a professional recommendation for which product to use and advise you on any potential interactions. For example, combining retinol with a beta hydroxy acid (such as salicylic acid) can result in redness and excessive dryness, so avoid combining these ingredients.

By NewsBlust

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